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About Us


We are not affiliated with any Sacred Name Movement or Fundamentalist Mormon Sect or Millerite Offshoot. If the original contexts of the original Hebrew and Greek words of the Bible agree with any organized religion's beliefs, then those beliefs were inspired by the very Elohim who sought to restore the original Gospel in its purity. But this site is not to endorse any organized religion and leaves the reader to make up his or her own mind to join whatever denomination he chooses. With that said, we may, in our commentaries of the Bible passages, choose to quote from various religious sources as it agrees with the Bible contexts that would provide further insight. The reader is encouraged to have an open mind and to retain his or her own opinions.

We call ourselves Immanuelites, as that is the name the Angel gave, Immanuel - The Mighty One is With Us - pertaining to Jehsus (Yahushua) our Messiah, the Son of The Highest Ascended One (El Elyon).

We are a gathering of believers online, presently there is no physical location, only a common chat room that will soon be installed.

Click these links for further information:  Statement of Belief * Contact Info * Application for Membership

We do not believe in a paid ministry.  There is no charge for becoming a member nor is there a solicitation for taking tithes or offerings.